My Autistic Sense of Humour

 I have a very weird sense of humour. Past the, i don't get very obvious jokes and don't laugh as a result of that while i make weird jokes that no one else around me gets and i laugh.

To the territory of only laughing at very simple and straightforward jokes. I don't understand majority of the knock knock jokes, that or i understand them after the joke has passed and the hangout is over. I will understand those jokes on the car ride home, is what i mean really. 

However, it's weird that i get reference jokes from some history gaming's dude's video. Such as, dirty jokes about the thing that happened on 2001. I know i know, those jokes are not the best to find funny, but for some reason, they make me laugh so much so i have to clamp a hand over my mouth to not laugh too loudly. 

Such example of that is my joke about the sun being obviously hot. It goes like this, Is the sun hot or cold? Hot, DUH! Then i laugh my absolute ass off to no reason. It was just that funny for me, and it still is that funny to me. My parents don't get it and neither do i, but for some reason, my brain still thinks it's a valid thing to laugh at. 

I think i suck because i struggle with  my literal thinking symptom of autism. I'm not a professional, DUH, so i'm not 100% sure that's what's causing it. I don't think this will be a thing i will yap about, i think i'm overanalyzing a stupid glitch in my system is all. 

I just wanted to get this off my chest, i guess. Also to keep this blog even half active as well, i guess. 


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